【双语】你好!中国 | 去哪儿追寻冬日的候鸟?来鄱阳湖

旅游攻略 11 0

每到秋冬季节,鄱阳湖就迎来了一群特殊的 “客人”—— 候鸟。它们从遥远的北方飞来在这里停歇、越冬,构成了一幅壮观的生态画卷。现在最佳观鸟季到了!

Every autumn and winter, Poyang Lake welcomes a special group of "guests"—migratory birds. These birds fly from the distant north to rest and winter here, forming a spectacular ecological scene. Now, it’s the best time for bird watching!


Staff at the Nanji Wetland in Jiangxi's Poyang Lake have detected 4 species of national first-class protected animals. Among them, nearly 5,000 Oriental white storks, and seven species of national second-class protected animals, including nearly 3,000 white-fronted geese.


Wintering migratory birds either forage or dance in the sky, creating breathtaking ecological scenes! Pick a good day and let's go bird watching together!
